
>Participation (Attendance) : please wait at least two full school days for corrections made to your participation  attendance.

>Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined”

Stores that can help with instrument tuning, finger tapes, and falling bridges/soundposts for free
(Huthmaker Violins, Beau Vinci Violins, Atlanta Street Violins)

>Upcoming Playing Quiz later this month on #20 (Part A) AND #38, #39, #40, or #41

>Complete Today’s assignment for Grade and Marked Participating (see below or OneNote)


> REMNDER WHEN PLAYING LOW-2 (Violin/Viola) and 2nd finger (Cello/Bass) Notes

>Small Group Meetings
-Catch up missing people “small groups”

>Small Group Check (what you will play during small group)

——-Play the notes with the bow D – E – F natural -G – F natural – E -D

——–Dotted Quarter Rhythm: play with the bow #37 measure 3 only

>Next week
—focus on #20, 38-41 and Patapan
—maybe more, new music


**PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING BY THE END OF CLASS TODAY (11:30AM) -for a grade and participation marking:

*If you are not meeting in small groups today
>Practice for Small Group Check (what you will play during small group)

——-Play the notes with the bow D – E – F natural -G – F natural – E -D

——-Dotted Quarter Rhythm: play with the bow #37 measure 3 only

>Practice Essential Elements Book 2 #38-41
>Practice Patapan