-Chapter 5823- 

established 2008 

Mr. Liu, faculty sponsor


*An informational meeting in the morning will be held Early September for interested students (2021-2022).
Be on the lookout for the Informational Meeting date posted in your music classroom!

What is Tri-M Music? 

The Tri-M Music Honor Society is a nationally recognized middle and high school Academic honor society in the United States. The organization recognizes students for their academic and musical achievements and rewards them for their accomplishments and service activities. The purpose of the Tri-M Music Honor Society is to inspire other students to excel at music and leadership and promote music awareness and excellence in the community. Students must be enrolled in the RTMS Band, Orchestra, or Chorus ensemble for a full year and maintain an academic and music ensemble grade average to be considered for membership into the Music Honor Society. 


  • Must be an active member in one of the following ensemble classes at River Trail Middle School for a full year: Band, Orchestra, or Chorus
  • Must maintain a 90 or above in their music ensemble class for both semesters
  • Must maintain a B-average or above in their academic and connection classes
  • Must show character strength that includes demonstration of service, leadership, responsibility, respect and cooperation both inside and outside of the music classroom.