
>AllState 2nd Round Audition Music coming soon! 

>Instrument Tuning and Repair next week 
>Yesterday’s “January 6 Assignment” Link: 
—Grades already posted on Infinite Campus for the above assignment 😊 

—Incompletes and Grade of “1” will be assigned later today for missing work 

>#41 and #43 Final Deadline is January 19th  

—List of students who have already turned in each piece is below the class agenda 
—Assignment information and Turnin location same as last time 

—After January 19th, Incompletes will be assigned along with a grade of “1” 


>Practicing at home Reminders  

If you are sitting down to practice: use a normal chair/stool 

>Bow Stroke Review 

—Medium Bow Lengths 

—Bow Speed 

>Things to watch 
-Correct bow Grip 
-Bend your Right Hand Wrist 
-Add weight to the bow (pulling the bow down on the stings) 
-Tshape bow on the strings 


>Practice Essential Elements Book 1 from pages 6 to 15 using the bow 

—use medium bow lengths for each note 

>We will be doing small group work next week