
>AllState 2nd Round Audition Music HERE!!!!

>Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined”
Stores that can help with instrument tuning, finger tapes, and falling bridges/soundposts for free
(Huthmaker Violins, Beau Vinci Violins, Atlanta Street Violins)

>Scale Quiz last week of January (Information in OneNote)
-will be performed live in small group

>January 11th Rhythm Assignment Due TODAY!
-Assignment information in OneNote


>Use this time to practice Number 256 on your own

—You may also use this time to practice your scales for the upcoming scale quiz
—Also turn in your January 11th Assignment!

>Tomorrow small group check on Sixteenth Note Rhythm and technique performance starting with violin


>Practice for Small Group, #256B

>Practice Scales for Upcoming Scale Quiz (Quiz info in OneNote)

>Practice Mozart Piece