>AllState Results Up!
-Only students who made All-State are listed
-Please do not feel discouraged if you did not make All-State this year
>Final Makeup Quiz TOMORROW, March 10
-Afterwards, Quiz makeup will be done after Spring Break
>Chamber Orchestra Music!
-Music is out! You can find it on OneNote Sheet Music!
-Audition Forms will come out later this week (still deciding how audition will be done)
-Audition will be either late March or right after Spring Break!
-No Fall Audition at this time
>Class Instruction: #64 #86-92
—–#64, D Major Scale!
——#86, Review
——#89, learning the A and B parts
——#92, learning the A and B parts
>Practice: #86, #87-92
*Next Week: Small Group Check on #86 measures 9-12
-This is to check individual progression, technique, and provide help/tips for improvement