Grading Scale:
Grades are based on the individual student’s mastery of standards, in the Georgia Performance Standards for the grade level in which the student is currently placed. End of Semester grading will reflect the following:
A = 90 and above
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
F = Below 70
Codes in Infinite Campus: Grade Minimums each 9-week reporting period:
NG – No Grade – At a minimum, two grades should be major
I – Incomplete – At a minimum, three grades should be minor
M – Missing – At a minimum, three grades should be practice
*FCS does not permit bonus points or extra credit to be used to determine a student’s grade.
Grade Determination for Assignments:
Teachers use a variety of ongoing, developmentally appropriate methods to measure student progress such as tests, exams, rubrics, quizzes, projects, reports, homework, class participation and other assignments. Grades reflect all evaluations, and each piece of work or each assignment; teachers use their own judgment in determining how much weight to give each graded activity. Student grades will be determined by using the following categories:
Major (50%): An assignment that is cumulative in nature, representing multiple standards and skills. Assignments in this category may include Large Group Performance Evaluation, Performance-Based Assessments (PBAs), concerts, tests, and projects.
Minor (40%): An assignment that measures mastery of a single skill or learning target. Assignments in this category may include Performance-Based Assessments focused on one skill or learning target, rhythmic dictation, short individual or group demonstrations, and quizzes.
Practice (10%): An assignment that is intended to allow students to make mistakes as they practice skills recently learned in class. Assignments in this category may include progress checks, class participation, and exit tickets.
Recovery Process:
Students will be given the opportunity to recover all major assessments if they score below a 75% on the assessment. Students are limited to one recovery attempt per major assessment that meets the threshold for recovery. Recovery of a major assessment should occur before the next major is given. Eligible students can earn a replacement grade that is no higher than 75%. If the recovery grade is below the original score, the original score should stand in the grade book.
Attendance and Make Up Work:
Regular attendance in this class is essential for each student to be successful.
- Upon returning to school, students will have an equal number of days as they were absent to complete any late/missing assignment, assessment, and/or task(s) for full credit.
- After the deadline of an equal number of days a student was absent, teachers may begin deducting points from a late/missing assignment, assessment, and/or task(s) (maximum 25% deduction).
If a student fails to turn in a late/missing assignment, assessment, and/or task(s), then a zero may be entered in the grade book.
Academic Honesty (The Honor Code/Honesty):
Students are expected to be honest and submit his/her own work. Cheating, plagiarism, and other Honor Code violations are strictly prohibited. Examples of violations include but are not limited to copying or “borrowing” from another source and submitting it as one’s own work, seeking or accepting unauthorized assistance on tests, projects, or other assignments, fabricating data and/or resources, providing or receiving test questions in advance without permission, or working collaboratively with other students when individual work is expected. The “Honor Code/Honesty” is Rule 9 in the Fulton County Student Code of Conduct & Discipline Handbook. If a student is caught cheating at RTMS, he/she will be subject to a tiered system of consequences listed in the RTMS Student Handbook on page 7.