Mr. Liu’s Big Rule about Instruments and Equipment

The big rule in both Orchestra and Band classes is that students should not touch or handle instruments and equipment that is not their own. This prevents from accidental damge to instruments.

Student Instrument Storage

Violin and Viola

Violin and viola students are assigned a locker in the orchestra room during the first week of school. Students will use their orchestra lockers to store their instrument during school. Students are required to bring their violin/viola and materials to class daily. Students should keep items such as rosin and shoulder rests with them if the items do not fit inside the instrument case.

If students plan to get a padlock on their own to lock their insturment locker, they will need to purchase a combination lock – not a lock that uses a key.

*Please do not leave shoulder rests outside of the instrument case in the instrument locker

Cello and Bass

Bass and Cello students will have a classroom instrument assigned to them. The instrument are locked on the instrument racks in the back of the classroom. Cello and Bass students should only use the instrument assigned to them by Mr. Liu.

Instrument Drop-off and Pick-up

Students will drop-off their instruments at the orchestra locker room before going to homeroom in the mornings. Students will have time to stop by the orchestra locker room to pick-up their instrument during school dismissal.

Instrument and Equipment Labeling

6th Grade students will spend class time labeling their instrument cases and materials using Mr. Liu’s labeling guidelines.