ANNOUNCEMENTS Morning Rehearsals: This Wednesday!!!! February 5 TUNE/WARMUP D Harmonic Minor Scales and Arpeggios (Bb, C#) G Harmonic Minor Scales and Arpeggios (Bb, Eb, F#) Regular Scales and Arpeggios(C, G, D, A, E, F, Bb, Eb Major Scales) Mozart Style Spiccato and Quarter/Half Note separation REHEARSAL Bacchanale: Playthrough and SectionContinue Reading

TUNE/WARMUP Tune your instrument ASAP!​ Warmup: Essential Elements Book 2 #50-62, 92-114​ Everyone Should be either playing the warmup or tuning by the 8:55 Bell​ ANNOUNCEMENTS LGPE Performance Trip Permission Forms Due REHEARSAL Review Bow Techniques for Dynamics​ Crescendo/Decrescendo: performance issues during the “save the kitten” activity last week Wednesday Play throughContinue Reading

All equipment and instrument policies are written based on the large number of students in the orchestra program, the size and availability of classroom space and storage, and the care and safety of all instruments and equipment. Students are taught the proper methods of instrument care and maintenance, and areContinue Reading

The Orchestra Concert is the essential part of orchestra. It is the culmination and demonstration of all the different elements of music performance and knowledge students have learned during class and at home. It is important for students not only to perform at concerts, but to watch the performance ofContinue Reading

Fulton County Grading Scale: A: 90-100, B: 80-89, C: 70-79, F: any grade below a 70 Semester Grade Categories 50% Summative Written Tests, Concert Performances, Playing Tests, Concert Reflection Activities 30% Class Assignments Written and Performance Assignments, Projects 30% Formative Evaluation of in-class, daily performance activities 20% Homework Checkpoint assessments, individual, home orContinue Reading

General Expectations of Orchestra Musicians Always be prepared, have your instrument and your music ready to play -be inside the orchestra room before the bell rings. -retrieve your instrument and go to your seat immediately so as not to block other students from getting their instruments. -bring your instrument to class,Continue Reading

 Program Philosophy Develop the mastery of performance skills and techniques on the string instrument, Develop effective ensemble performance skills, Foster a learning environment of support and respect among students of different musical backgrounds, levels, and musical preferences, Cultivate the enjoyment of music performance and develop students into lifelong music performersContinue Reading

Georgia ASTA Camp UpBeat String Camp Encore Orchestra Camp Athena Music and Leadership Camp and More! See Mr. Liu if he has flyers or information for other music camps

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