Announcements >Deadline to update missing Assignment Grades: extended March 3rd >Chamber Orchestra Audition Music and Forms coming soon in March! February 19th AssignmentLink: Due! Instruction >Scale warmup: C Major Scale Essential Elements Book 2, #18 >“Any Way You Want” –Articulation (review what that means) –Intonation (low 2/2nd finger)+3rd/4th FingerContinue Reading

Announcement >Assignment today required to be marked “participating” >Attendance Errors for February are corrected, and you should see updates sometime this week >All 2nd Round All-State were received and turned in! —Reminder to make sure your name/school/teacher are not on the Youtube video Title or descriptions —No idea when resultsContinue Reading

Announcement >Assignment today required to be marked “participating” >Attendance Errors for February are corrected, and you should see updates sometime this week >All 2nd Round All-State were received and turned in! —Reminder to make sure your name/school/teacher are not on the Youtube video Title or descriptions —No idea when resultsContinue Reading

Announcements >Deadline to update missing Assignment Grades: —If you want your incomplete updated before the next major grade report period (Progress Report), please have all written and playing assignments turned in by February 28th —You can still turn in past due assignments afterwards however Mr. Liu cannot guarantee it willContinue Reading

Announcements >2nd Round All-State: Videos Due THIS SATURDAY!!!! February 13th by 11:59PM >Playing Quiz on #45 Next Week!-either as early as February 16 or February 22 >Pass Due Assignments-will not start grading until this Friday Instruction >Preparing for Quiz #45 >Practice Quiz!–Directions for the Assignment–How to Correctly Record yourself using theContinue Reading

Announcements >2nd Round All-State: Videos Due THIS SATURDAY!!!! February 13th by 11:59PM>Missing Assignments will be graded this Friday >Northview HS Orchestra director will join us in TEAMs some time in February to chat about High School(next week or week after) Instruction >Hall of the Mountain KingSmall Group Check/Quiz: Violins Group 3Continue Reading

Announcements >Happy WINTER’S CURSE CHAMBER ORCHESTRA!!! >2nd Round All-State: Videos Due THIS SATURDAY!!!! February 13th by 11:59PM >Elem Piece #1, Assignment 1 and 2 are past due! Assignment >All-State People be recording and getting your videos ready to turn-in >Everyone else—Make sure Elem Piece #1 Assignment 1 and 2 are turnedContinue Reading

Announcement >Happy WINTER’S CURSE CHAMBER ORCHESTRA!!! >2nd Round All-State: Videos Due THIS SATURDAY!!!! February 13th by 11:59PM >Only 12 people out of 17 have turned in Assignment #1 >Mozart assignment #2 Up! Instruction >All-State People be recording and getting your videos ready to turn-in >Everyone else—Make sure Mozart Assignment 1are turnedContinue Reading

Announcements >Chamber Orchestra Audition Info Next Week! >Playing Quiz #20 and #40 Makeup/Redo–TODAY, February 11th, during class >Assignment Reminders–Missing Assignments–Be careful with plagiarism Instruction Playing Quiz Makeups and Retakes Order of Small Groups -People who missed the quiz -People who had tech issues -People who scored 79 or below -PeopleContinue Reading

Announcements >Instrument Tuning and Repair (Today)-Emails sent out to parents >2nd Round All-State: Videos Due THIS SATURDAY!!!! February 13th by 11:59PM >Playing Quiz on #45 Coming Soon!-either as early as February 16 or February 22 >Pass Due Assignments-will not start grading until this Friday Instruction >Preparing for Quiz #45 >How toContinue Reading