Auditions for 7th and 8th Grade Advanced Orchestra (Chamber Orchestra) classes will start on April 21st during the student’s current orchestra class period. Students must be currently enrolled in Orchestra class to audition for placement consideration in next year’s Advance Orchestra class. All information about Chamber Orchestra may be foundContinue Reading

Click the link below for more detailed information for the Orchestra Winter Concert including what to wear and required report times for each of the 4 performing groups! Link to Concert Information Handout

>MUST READ! General and Recording Information Link (pdf) Above link includes information about: Video recording requirements, 1st round info, where to turn in the video link, and more! >All-State Registration Number Link (aka GMEA Number) *remember your All-State Registration (GMEA) number is NOT THE SAME as your FCS Student IDContinue Reading

Video: 6th Grade Orchestra (plain version) Video: 6th Grade Orchestra (spicey version) Video: 7th and 8th Grade Orchestra

Checkout the list updated music stores in the North Fulton and North Gwinnett area, now updated with rental flyers from several music stores! Link to Local Area Music Store List!

>Explore the 4 different instruments taught in orchestra class Questions about the instrument Chosing an instrument Instrument Size Where to get an instrument Other Classroom Materials what are the materials where to get the materials

Orchestra Tshirts avaliable to order! *Front pocket design will be a little smaller Please click on the link to place the order:Orders are due April 20th