>MUST READ! General and Recording Information Link (pdf) Above link includes information about: Video recording requirements, 1st round info, where to turn in the video link, and more! >All-State Registration Number Link (aka GMEA Number) *remember your All-State Registration (GMEA) number is NOT THE SAME as your FCS Student IDContinue Reading

Checkout the list updated music stores in the North Fulton and North Gwinnett area, now updated with rental flyers from several music stores! Link to Local Area Music Store List!

>Explore the 4 different instruments taught in orchestra class >About 6th Grade Orchestra >Instrument and Equipment >Other Frequently asked questions Local Area Music Stores Online Music Stores VIew the Orchestra Video BELOW!

The GMEA District Honor Orchestra event on March 28 is cancelled. There are no plans from organizers to reschedule the event. The Solo and Ensemble event on April 25, 2020 is still on the schedule with no plans to cancel at this time.