How much should my child practice each night?
Students should practice every night on the things discussed in class. An ideal time for 6th grade students is 15-30 minutes, depending on the difficulty a student has on a piece. 7th and 8th grade students should be practicing about 45minutes to 1 hour. Although practice logs are not required, unannounced playing quizzes may be given to check if students are practicing. Any student who plays cello or bass and does own an instrument at home, must make arrangements to practice before or afterschool.
Are concerts and orchestra uniforms mandatory?
The purpose of the orchestra program is to learn instrumental and performance techniques and playing in a large group. Each concert is the culminating result of the hard work prior to the concert. Concerts are mandatory for students to attend. Parents and students are encouraged to check family calendars in case they need to notify coaches, private lesson teachers, after school teachers, etc. of the Concerts. Orchestra uniforms are required to keep a professional, unified look of the orchestra group.
Can we rent instruments from the school?
We have a limited supply of violins and violas for students to rent. Rental priority is based on need. Cellos and Basses may use the school instruments for a voluntary usage fee of $20. This will help with the cost of any wear over time. Damage caused by the student that is not due to normal wear and tear will be the financial responsibility of the student. Beginner violin and viola students will have first priority followed by students in 6th grade who do not own an instrument. A fee of $25 is required to rent a instrument from the school for both home and school use. Students who use these instruments are responsible for providing their own rosin and the replacement of broken strings.
How often do students meet for Orchestra?
Students will meet everyday for 50 minutes in orchestra class. Students will take the music track of the connections classes in order to be in orchestra/band/chorus. Students will still have the opportunity to take Health, PE, Art, Family Consumer Science, Business Ed, etc while in the orchestra program.
Should my child take private lessons?
Yes! Private Instruction is always encouraged to every student regardless of playing level. Not only can private instruction help students catch up, stay on level, or even advance above the level of music, private lessons will also keep a student’s interest in the instrument. The more students that take private instruction, the stronger and better the orchestra will sound.
What are Performance Evaluations (Festivals)?
Performance Evaluations are held in the late winter (usually February) where each orchestra prepares three pieces to perform for a judge and get rated. This is a common orchestra performance assessment which orchestra programs participate.
A pre-Performance Evaluation is held prior to the actual event for students to get rated by other orchestra teachers to determine any needed improvements are needed. All RTMS Orchestra will participate in the event and are required to perform at the Performance Evaluation and at the Pre-Performance Evaluation Concert.
How does my child get into Chamber Orchestra?
The RTMS Chamber Orchestra is the advanced orchestra group made up of 7th and 8th grade students. Students who want to audition for the Chamber Orchestra must show dedication in their current orchestra which includes: attending all required rehearsals and concerts, coming to rehearsals and class with their music practice and having a good attitude in class. Students must also meet the performance standards in order to be in the Chamber Orchestra. These standards include: having a good tone quality, good intonation, and good instrument playing technique demonstrated by the excerpts given a few weeks before the audition. The audition is held in February for the next school year.
What is All-State?
All-State is an orchestra formed of the best middle school players (6-8) in the state of Georgia. Students who want to audition must go through two sets of eliminating auditions. The first audition is held at the county level where students must make a minimum of 55 points to pass. The second audition is held at the state level and students are ranked against each other to be accepted into the orchestra. Students who are accepted participate in a one-weekend event held in the late winter each year.