Announcements >Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined” Stores that can help with instrument tuning, finger tapes, and falling bridges/soundposts for free(Huthmaker Violins, Beau Vinci Violins, Atlanta Street Violins) >Updated Assignments from January 6th on Infinite Campus: STILL MISSING ASSIGNMENTS! >Upcoming Playing Quiz later this month on #20Continue Reading

Announcements >AllState 2nd Round Audition Music coming soon! >Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined”Stores that can help with instrument tuning, finger tapes, and falling bridges/soundposts for free(Huthmaker Violins, Beau Vinci Violins, Atlanta Street Violins) >#41 and #43 Final Deadline is January 19th —List of students who haveContinue Reading

Announcements >AllState 2nd Round Audition Music coming soon! >Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined” -Reminder to turn in January 8th Assignment Instruction >Bowing Techniques for sixteenth notes >Essential Elements Book 2, page 16–Focus on #69 and #70  >Tomorrow: Small GroupsSixeenth note rhythms #69 and #70—Focusing on playingContinue Reading

Announcements >AllState 2nd Round Audition Music coming soon!>Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined”>January 11th Assignment due Tomorrow: Assignment details in OneNote! Instruction >Bowing Techniques for sixteenth notes –Rule #1 of Sixteenth Notes! >Tomorrow, small group check on Sixteenth Note Rhythm and technique performance Assignment >Practice-Practice Mozart Piece-PracticeContinue Reading

Announcements >Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined” Stores that can help with instrument tuning, finger tapes, and falling bridges/soundposts for free(Huthmaker Violins, Beau Vinci Violins, Atlanta Street Violins) >Updated Assignments from January 6th on Infinite Campus: STILL MISSING ASSIGNMENTS! >Upcoming Playing Quiz later this month on #20Continue Reading

Announcements >AllState 2nd Round Audition Music coming soon! >Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined”Stores that can help with instrument tuning, finger tapes, and falling bridges/soundposts for free(Huthmaker Violins, Beau Vinci Violins, Atlanta Street Violins) Instruction >Bowing Techniques for sixteenth notes –Rule #1 of Sixteenth Notes! >Tomorrow, smallContinue Reading

Announcements >AllState 2nd Round Audition Music coming soon! >Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined”Stores that can help with instrument tuning, finger tapes, and falling bridges/soundposts for free(Huthmaker Violins, Beau Vinci Violins, Atlanta Street Violins) >#41 and #43 Final Deadline is January 19th—List of students who have alreadyContinue Reading

Announcements >AllState 2nd Round Audition Music coming soon! >Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined” -Reminder the January 8th Assignment Instruction >Sixteenth Note Review>Essential Elements Book 2, page 16 >Bowing Techniques for sixteenth notes –Rule #1 of Sixteenth Notes! Assignment >Reminder to turn in the Rhythms we workedContinue Reading

Announcements >AllState 2nd Round Audition Music coming soon! >Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined” Instruction >Sixteenth Note Review from Friday>Habits of a Successful Musician-#256a label the counts under the rhythm and turn in for an Assignment >Bowing Techniques for sixteenth notes –Rule #1 of Sixteenth Notes! Assignment>HabitsContinue Reading

Announcements >AllState 2nd Round Audition Music coming soon! >Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined” Instruction >Sixteenth Note Review from Friday>Habits of a Successful Musician-#232a label the counts under the rhythm and turn in for an Assignment >Bowing Techniques for sixteenth notes –Rule #1 of Sixteenth Notes! Assignment>HabitsContinue Reading