2nd Period: January 11, 2021
Announcements >Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined” >Upcoming Playing Quiz later this month on #20 AND #38, #39, #40, or #41 Instruction >Small Group Meetings–Team Violas and Team Violins Sc-Ye-Tomorrow, the Rest of the Violins! >Small Group Check (what you will play during small group) ——-Play theContinue Reading
8th Period: January 8, 2021
Announcements >AllState 2nd Round Audition Music coming soon! >Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined” >#41 and #43 Final Deadline is January 19th —List of students who have already turned in each piece is below the class agenda —Assignment information and Turnin location same as last time —After January 19th, Incompletes will be assigned along with aContinue Reading
7th Period: January 8, 2021
Announcements >AllState 2nd Round Audition Music coming soon! >Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined” >#41 and #43 Final Deadline is January 19th —List of students who have already turned in each piece is below the class agenda —Assignment information and Turnin location same as last time —After January 19th, Incompletes will be assigned along with aContinue Reading
5th Period: January 8, 2021
Announcements >AllState 2nd Round Audition Music coming soon! >Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined” Instruction >Sixteenth Note Review -Writing down rhythms and writing in the counts -Will turn in written rhythms as assignment (information found in OneNote) Assignment >Turn in the Rhythms we worked on today: Turnin directions found in OneNote >Work on Essential TechniquesContinue Reading
4th Period: January 8, 2021
Announcements >AllState 2nd Round Audition Music coming soon! >Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined” Instruction >Sixteenth Note Review -Writing down rhythms and writing in the counts -Will turn in written rhythms as assignment (information found in OneNote) >Habits of a Successful Musician -page 44, #256 and 257 Assignment >Practice Mozart Piece >Practice ScalesContinue Reading
3rd Period: January 8, 2021
Announcements >AllState 2nd Round Audition Music coming soon! >Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined” Instruction >Sixteenth Note Review -Writing down rhythms and writing in the counts >Habits of a Successful Musician -#232 and #233, page 49 Assignment >Practice Mozart Piece >Practice Scales for Upcoming Scale Quiz (Quiz info in OneNote)
2nd Period: January 8, 2021
Announcements >Instrument Tuning and Repair – now “to be determined” Instruction >Small Group Meetings –Cello and Bass –Violas >Small Group Check (what you will play during small group) ——-Play the notes with the bow D – E – F natural -G – F natural – E -D ——–Dotted Quarter Rhythm: play with the bow #37 measure 3 only Continue Reading
3rd Period: January 7, 2021
Announcements >AllState 2nd Round Audition Music coming soon! >Instrument Tuning and Repair next week >Yesterday’s “January 6 Assignment” Link: https://forms.gle/WasMuEbpRDGWApAd9 —Grades already posted on Infinite Campus for the above assignment 😊 ––Incompletes and Grade of “1” will be assigned later today for missing work Instruction >Scale Quiz: 2 Octaves, A Major Scale and E-Flat Major Scale withContinue Reading
8th Period: January 7, 2021
Announcements >AllState 2nd Round Audition Music coming soon! >Instrument Tuning and Repair next week >Yesterday’s “January 6 Assignment” Link: https://forms.gle/WasMuEbpRDGWApAd9 —Grades already posted on Infinite Campus for the above assignment 😊 —Incompletes and Grade of “1” will be assigned later today for missing work >#41 and #43 Final Deadline is January 19th —List of students who have already turnedContinue Reading
7th Period: January 7, 2021
Announcements >AllState 2nd Round Audition Music coming soon! >Instrument Tuning and Repair next week >Yesterday’s “January 6 Assignment” Link: https://forms.gle/WasMuEbpRDGWApAd9 —Grades already posted on Infinite Campus for the above assignment 😊 —Incompletes and Grade of “1” will be assigned later today for missing work >#41 and #43 Final Deadline is January 19th —List of students who have already turnedContinue Reading